Busy times as usual at Deluxe Mastering with a huge diversity of projects, all of which we recommend checking out, and with thanks as always to the music makers involved…
Tony “Jack the Bear” Mantz has been mastering releases for Dirty Three’s Mick Turner, Matt Van Schie, Prequel, The Immigrant, D-Cup, The Neighbourhood, Mercian, Crash Tragic, Alex Anonymous, Paradise Found, Boom Temple, Bass Kleph, tyDi and more.
Adam Dempsey has been mastering the Australian tribute album to the classic ‘Nuggets’ compilation of garage rock/punk/psychadelia for Warner Music Australia, along with releases for Courtney Barnett, Sticky Fingers, Houndsteeth, OSH10, Tinsmoke (featuring members of Howl at the Moon), Canvas, Sway Resistor, The Weeping Willows, and 2012’s NMIT Bachelor of Music double album compilation ‘We Went Down to the River’ Vol 4, produced by Greg Arnold (Things of Stone and Wood), Peter Farnan (Boom Crash Opera), Cameron McKenzie (Horsehead), David Haberfeld (Honeysmack), Shane O’Mara, Andy White and more, and mixed by Dave McLuney at Atlantis Sound.
Andrei “Ony” Eremin has mastered a myriad of new electronic releases, including a new EP for I’lls (with legitimate musical content going right down to 28Hz), Naysayer & Gilsun, Lower Spectrum, Flight Tonight and Alex Albrecht, as well as rock and indie material from I Told You I Was Ill, SMILE, Mouth Tooth, Return To Youth, Written In Ruins and Sleepy Dreamers.